"Hey, Weiling....ape ni? F-E-M-A-L-E....sedap ke ni?" He took the magazine...and started browsing the pages WITHOUT asking....iiishhh!~ I just sit there, stared at him flipping the pages while i blowing my nose....feeling like a half dead fish. Then , Carmen walked in. She asked what kinda magazine is that?... i said "female". "Which edition?" ...."the latest May" "oh? How come i've never seen the latest May edition like that?" For a moment, i was *tink-ed*.....she has never seen? what does that mean? She suspected that i was lying about getting the May edition b4 May? or she actually meant CLEO?....ergh....nvm.....
As usual En. Rafi will leave me handling the machine alone, while he work on his things....BUT he didnt warn me that i must not save any files in the desktop. Damn.. i'v spent hours searching for the particles...and now he said the files cannot open?? For the next hour, i found nothing and i couldnt get back what i saw. DEMOTIVATED!~ It is time to go to a doctor.
The best time to go PK (Pusat Kesihatan) in UPM is at 5pm. I'm the only patient around. Got everything done in less than 15 minutes. Fast eh? lol. Drove back...make porridge...then terus tidur until this morning.