Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kenny Rogers

i'm sure many of you received this email yesterday....but not many ppl will go for it...

Red is for love, joy and happiness that one should feel of one’s life. Red is for the blood that courses through our body and keeps us alive. Kenny Rogers ROASTERS launching of RED (ROASTERS Eating Day) will ignite the meaning of ‘red’. Advocating on healthy eating since day one, KRR understands the meaning of a healthy body that equals to a happy person.
KRR celebrate RED on 13 Jan 2010 - marking it a significant day by giving out a *complimentary Kenny’s Quarter Meal with purchase of a Kenny’s Quarter Meal for those who visit KRR restaurants with any element of the colour red (you could have red lipstick, red cap, red shirt or red head band). It will be a day that people can mark on their calendar to remind them to take the opportunity to eat healthy!

Aha!!.... knowing me...i'll definitely go for it. Four of us there....Me and YitSeng ( in red) with complimentary meals for Peow Teik  , whom already at work, without any red thing.

So, Seng in Red shirt, me in black skirt with printed red flowers and my pink bag ( just in case not enough red)... red paper bag for PT (accessories count).

We left abt 5.30pm expecting massive jam ( the normal after work jam at seremban highway), but funnily, we arrived at Midvalley 20 minutes later. How ironic!?!~ I found a parking space within a minute~...The appointment is 7pm and we were there at 6pm... What to do in an hour? Walked around....then decided to check out where exactly is Kenny Rogers?? Of course i know where it is...but, Seng insisted on that.

Not really expecting a crowd there...but, i was taken back by the crowd in red. All in chilly red shirt. I have to admit that i have the least red least i don't look like a walking angpow...hehe (Seng, im not hinting you ). While waiting....orders were taken...drinks are served. The complimentary meals have fixed side lines...mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw. Very efficient...service is good. Everyone greeted us with a smile. I hardly see a smile these days...

We were seated 30 minutes before the arrival  PT...the food has already served. The crowd outside must be thinking why are we not eating yet...must be cursing us. keke.. I don't care... we got a seat....we dont have to queue... :P

While waiting for PT to finished up his food... ada masa lagi until bergambar...hahaha..

My red skirt and my pink bag...

Look at the crowd outside...wakakkaka..

The total bill came to abtRM12 per person...for the RED day.