Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday night

TGIF- Thank God it's Friday....This phrase is totally out for my Fri the 15th . I always have my weekends planned out but today...everything went haywire. It is sooooo OUT of the PLAN. This is not the Friday that i will want to have.Firstly, i was expecting dinner at Jimmy's residence, then help out in church for the camp this Sunday. A fruitful Friday turned out to be a miserable night.

I sms-ed peow teik informed him that i'm leaving home and was on my way to his place. When we arrived at his place, nobody was at home. We called and he said they are still in Midvalley. I was so hungry, expecting food upon their arrival. After 35 minutes, jimmy dropped peow teik off at home and he drove to church to pick up his mom. We waited for another 30-45 minutes for them to come back,expecting dinner to start when everyone is home. Finally, aunty (Jimmy's mom) is back. Overjoyed...i was experiencing a mild gastric. I thought she would bring out the dishes...preparing to feast on, but, she didn't. Instead she asked me where Jimmy is? Without knowing what is going on, i acted stupid. Then, she complained on the rice she cooked, but Jimmy canceled the dinner at the very last minute. First thing that slipped through my mind was, "WTH??~!>~!? The dinner is canceled without us knowing it????", anyhow, i still have to fake a smile nodding to the things she said. Nevermind. We WILL have our dinner when Jimmy is back and i'm sure it wont be too long. I waited until 12am when Jimmy finally is home. He came up with a towel wrapped around him...then the next minute he appeared in his pyjamas saying 'Hie and goodnight'.. @#$%^#@#$%!@#$%@#$......Ended up, we had our dinner at around 1am. See how important communication can be!!...

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