Since young, i have always wanted a sister. Someone whom i can talk to when i'm bored. During the hostel stay in university, i was overwhelmed to know that i will be getting a room mate soon. However, to cut a story short, i didnt get to experience having a roomie...a girl whom i can live with in the same room. Nvm. I heard a story from a friend the other day telling me her experience of having a roomie.I never thought that PDA (public display affection) is much better than PDA (private display affection). Why am i saying that?

She had this roomie, let's name her Pamela, who has fallen in love for the second time after so long. Pamela loves this new guy very much. There was this night where Pamela told her that Pam's bf will be dropping by after clubbing. She thought it would be good to being able to see him for the first time after long heard of him. Pam talks abt him 24/7. They waited awhile...he is still on his around 5am, she decided to give up on meeting this pam-thinks-he-is-a-great-guy. She warned Pam's of the possibilities of a guy acting strange, doing silly stuffs after the club. Moreever, it is late at night, you wouldnt know what a guy will do to a girl. In addition that Pam doesnt really know him yet. Honestly, she thinks that the boyfriend sounds like a playboy. She warned her to put on extra clothes because it was cold outside ( actually that is not the main reason. She just want Pam to dressed properly, not to trigger his desire). In the midst of her sleep, she heard knockings on the door.
She heard someone opening the door. She knew it is him. Just pray that they wouldnt end up doing silly things. Then, she heard footsteps and some soft whispers in the room. Oh NO!! they are in the room. She doesnt know what to do,so she pretend to sleep. As the whispers grew louder, she can even hear each and every word they said. She wished that she is deaf at that moment. She tried very hard to fall back to sleep but her ears keep hearing words...then giggles...kiss....sound of the springs in bed...moan. OMG!~!.....MOAN??~!?....She cant believe it...they make out on the next bed. GOSh!! She tried to make a few toss and turns on bed to remind them that hey! there is someone on the next bed....behave!!. They paid no attention to her.She put her hands together and pray hard that someone would come and save her. God must have heard her prayers and made some arrangements for something to happen. As you know, arrangements need time. After abt 1.5-2 hours, there is a call in the phone. She heard them jumped off bed to pick up the phone. She wasnt sure if Pam is fully dressed or....ergh~...whatever it is..she still prefers to play put on the i-am-still-sleeping mode.After Pam hang up the phone, she regretted for not waking up....coz she still hear the sound of springs in the next bed. Thank God at this moment, someone knocked on the door. This sounds like an angel appearing at the doorstep and said "Fear Not..i'm here to bring your roomie out" hahah...okay.. i create the last one. She heard ppl putting on clothes and ran to the door. Another hsemate came looking for an item she left in their room, while checking if we would love to go for a breakfast together. Then she remembered, "Ah the breakfast Saviour!!". Slowly she opened up her eyes to join in the conversations for breakfast...then packed her jeans and shirt in the wardrobe out...then never to stepped back into the room for the day. At least not until Pam is out.
Her life has been coloured by the rainbow with that one-night-experience. Now, what would you do if you were in her shoes?? Would you turned over to say "BAd Position!" or start preaching " People, body is the temple of God....etc." or jump off bed..pointing at their nose and started screaming " how can you do that to me? Where is your respect towards your roommate?i'm NOT deaf-u know?" or just pretended nothing had happened? just like her..stay still..pray hard?

She had this roomie, let's name her Pamela, who has fallen in love for the second time after so long. Pamela loves this new guy very much. There was this night where Pamela told her that Pam's bf will be dropping by after clubbing. She thought it would be good to being able to see him for the first time after long heard of him. Pam talks abt him 24/7. They waited awhile...he is still on his around 5am, she decided to give up on meeting this pam-thinks-he-is-a-great-guy. She warned Pam's of the possibilities of a guy acting strange, doing silly stuffs after the club. Moreever, it is late at night, you wouldnt know what a guy will do to a girl. In addition that Pam doesnt really know him yet. Honestly, she thinks that the boyfriend sounds like a playboy. She warned her to put on extra clothes because it was cold outside ( actually that is not the main reason. She just want Pam to dressed properly, not to trigger his desire). In the midst of her sleep, she heard knockings on the door.
She heard someone opening the door. She knew it is him. Just pray that they wouldnt end up doing silly things. Then, she heard footsteps and some soft whispers in the room. Oh NO!! they are in the room. She doesnt know what to do,so she pretend to sleep. As the whispers grew louder, she can even hear each and every word they said. She wished that she is deaf at that moment. She tried very hard to fall back to sleep but her ears keep hearing words...then giggles...kiss....sound of the springs in bed...moan. OMG!~!.....MOAN??~!?....She cant believe it...they make out on the next bed. GOSh!! She tried to make a few toss and turns on bed to remind them that hey! there is someone on the next bed....behave!!. They paid no attention to her.She put her hands together and pray hard that someone would come and save her. God must have heard her prayers and made some arrangements for something to happen. As you know, arrangements need time. After abt 1.5-2 hours, there is a call in the phone. She heard them jumped off bed to pick up the phone. She wasnt sure if Pam is fully dressed or....ergh~...whatever it is..she still prefers to play put on the i-am-still-sleeping mode.After Pam hang up the phone, she regretted for not waking up....coz she still hear the sound of springs in the next bed. Thank God at this moment, someone knocked on the door. This sounds like an angel appearing at the doorstep and said "Fear Not..i'm here to bring your roomie out" hahah...okay.. i create the last one. She heard ppl putting on clothes and ran to the door. Another hsemate came looking for an item she left in their room, while checking if we would love to go for a breakfast together. Then she remembered, "Ah the breakfast Saviour!!". Slowly she opened up her eyes to join in the conversations for breakfast...then packed her jeans and shirt in the wardrobe out...then never to stepped back into the room for the day. At least not until Pam is out.
Her life has been coloured by the rainbow with that one-night-experience. Now, what would you do if you were in her shoes?? Would you turned over to say "BAd Position!" or start preaching " People, body is the temple of God....etc." or jump off bed..pointing at their nose and started screaming " how can you do that to me? Where is your respect towards your roommate?i'm NOT deaf-u know?" or just pretended nothing had happened? just like her..stay still..pray hard?